APS Student Handbook Links
Attendance Policy
In APS, students are considered truant at five (5) unexcused absences and habitual truants at ten (10) unexcused absences in a year.
The parent/guardian must notify the attendance message line each day at 296-4811 option 2 that the student will be absent by 8:30AM. If you are placing the call after 8:30AM, you must speak directly with the Attendance Clerk at 296-4811 Extension 31900.
Absences may be excused for the following reasons, with appropriate documentation:
Doctor's appointment
Death in the family
Religious commitment
Family emergency
Diagnostic testing
School or College visit
In the event that the school has not received notification of absence by a parent for three (3) consecutive days, the school must make an attempt to contact the parent/guardian.
Excessive excused absences may result in further inquiry from the principal and request for additional documentation.
Family vacations are considered unexcused absences, and it is expected that parents will schedule vacations during periods of time when school is not in session.
Cell Phones
Cellular phones may be brought to school to ensure the safety of the student walking to or from school, but the phone must remain off during the entire school day and must remain in the backpack of the student. Phones that are brought out during the day and “played with” will be confiscated by the teacher or an adult. Confiscated phones can be picked up by a parent or guardian in the office at the end of the day.
Osuna's Dress Code
Students are expected to come to school appropriately dressed for school activities. The school personnel will cooperate with parents to see that students comply with Osuna’s Dress Code. The following items are guidelines. It is considered to be against the dress code if the student’s appearance is disruptive to the educational process.
Osuna's students will not:
- Wear bare midriffs, low cut, or off the shoulder shirts
- Wear sagging pants and/or show their underwear
- Wear clothing with profanity, tobacco, drug, alcohol or a sexual reference
- Wear gang related clothing
- Wear see-through clothing
- Wear any other article of clothing or accessories that is deemed distracting to the learning of students by the teacher or administration
Any student violating this dress code will be sent to the office and the parent/guardian will be called and asked to bring in a change of clothes.
Snow Days
An abbreviated day schedule will be used on mornings when street conditions would endanger the safety of students and employees on their way to school. A decision to institute an abbreviated day schedule will be announced by 6:00 a.m. If no announcement is made by that time, a regular school day will be held. When weather conditions are severe, parents are advised to tune in to local radio or television stations for up-to-date announcements concerning schedule changes. Local stations receive weather updates and school-cancellation-notices before we do.
If an abbreviated day is declared, the instructional day will begin two hours later than normal (9:53) and will end at regular time.
All visitors must check in at the office and get a visitors badge. If you do not check in and are on the campus, you will be asked to leave.
- Middle and high school students are not allowed on the grounds of Osuna Elementary School, unless they are accompanied by a parent
If a middle school or high school student is assigned to pick-up an Osuna sibling or neighbor after school, they are to wait in the designated area which is located the grass field on the north side of the campus. Middle or high school students found on the school grounds during school hours will be reported to the school police.